How to find deals

Getting started in real estate and a path to financial freedom is easier than you think.

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More words for the wordy. Etiam vitae pulvinar leo. Sed finibus dui eget ante blandit congue. Morbi vehicula mauris velit, ut consectetur eros pellentesque quis. Fusce tempus faucibus faucibus. Aenean non quam at dolor pharetra consequat ac vitae justo. Maecenas ullamcorper elit rhoncus, placerat mauris ut, congue nulla. Morbi lorem quam, luctus eget nisl non, auctor luctus dolor. Maecenas purus felis, elementum a nunc eu, laoreet porta eros. Sed a tortor eget mauris fermentum cursus sed sed sapien. Nulla porta odio fringilla efficitur cursus. Morbi nec neque ultricies, tempor velit non, imperdiet nisi. Etiam vulputate, turpis at varius elementum, dui lectus semper risus, vitae mollis neque arcu a dolor. Aenean quis egestas nisl. Fusce sed consectetur nulla. Cras lorem erat, efficitur eget facilisis et, pulvinar ac mauris. 

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To-do list

Don't forget to do these things, or you will probably fail. Remember the 7 Ps - Proper pre-planning prevents piss-poor performance!

Investing FAQ

Should I Invest?

Well, it really depends on you. Do you want freedom, or do you want to be a workin’ bloke your whole life?

How Much Do I Need To Start?

Depends on whether you want debt or equity. You can get started in some deals for as little as $10,ooo. Most deals require a $50,000 entry.

What Would Warren Do?

He’d definitely do it.