Brian blog post test – WP blocks only

This shows a post built in the WP block editor. We probably won’t go this route.

In this post...

Preformatted block from WP

There’s nothing like making money with real estate!

This is a page made up with formatting supplied via a WP patterned block.

There’s a lot more to say about it, but TBH I’m still trying to figure out how it works. Stuff like how to control the layout, styling, etc.

No darkness would ever settle upon those lamps, as no darkness had settled upon them for hundreds of years. It seemed dreadful that the town should blaze for ever in the same spot; dreadful at least to people going away to adventure upon the sea, and beholding it as a circumscribed mound, eternally burnt, eternally scarred. From the deck of the ship the great city appeared a crouched and cowardly figure, a sedentary miser.

This is another pre-formatted block from WP

Part 1: What it all means

They followed her on to the deck. All the smoke and the houses had disappeared, and the ship was out in a wide space of sea very fresh and clear though pale in the early light. They had left London sitting on its mud. A very thin line of shadow tapered on the horizon, scarcely thick enough to stand the burden of Paris, which nevertheless rested upon it. They were free of roads, free of mankind, and the same exhilaration at their freedom ran through them all.

More words of all kinds go here, in the form of another paragraph.

Part 2: What’s up with that?

Who knows what eeeeeevil lurks in the hearts of men? Only the shadow knows! At least that’s what I heard. Who knows what eeeeeevil lurks in the hearts of men? Only the shadow knows! At least that’s what I heard.Who knows what eeeeeevil lurks in the hearts of men? Only the shadow knows! At least that’s what I heard.

Part 3: What’s the deal?

The ship was making her way steadily through small waves which slapped her and then fizzled like effervescing water, leaving a little border of bubbles and foam on either side. The colourless October sky above was thinly clouded as if by the trail of wood-fire smoke, and the air was wonderfully salt and brisk. Indeed it was too cold to stand still. Mrs. Ambrose drew her arm within her husband’s, and as they moved off it could be seen from the way in which her sloping cheek turned up to his that she had something private to communicate.

This is an H3 heading block, made to be bigger

In summary, life is good when you buy real estate, so you should totally do it.